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Maps and Cartography
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Carte du Cours du Nil, Comprenant L

Item #: 81227

Carte du Cours du Nil, Comprenant L' Egypte, La Numie, L’Abyssinie et La Mer Rouge (1855)

By: Louis Antoine

A wonderful steel engraved map hand-colored in outline showing boundries, rivers, cities, towns, rivers, mountain ranges, etc. ...


Carte de L

Item #: 81228

Carte de L'Empire Chinois et Du Japon (1855)

By: Louis Antoine

A wonderful steel engraved map hand-colored in outline showing boundries, rivers, cities, towns, rivers, mountain ranges, etc. ...


Carte de la Turquie D

Item #: 81232

Carte de la Turquie D'Europe et de La Grece. (1855)

By: Louis Antoine

A wonderful steel engraved map hand-colored in outline showing boundries, rivers, cities, towns, rivers, mountain ranges, etc. ...



Item #: 81239

Philadelphia (1850)


Dept. De La Moselle.

Item #: 81243

Dept. De La Moselle. (1845)

By: unknown - unknown


Dept. Du Haut Rhin.

Item #: 81244

Dept. Du Haut Rhin. (1845)

By: Combette - Burty


Dept. De La The. Saone.

Item #: 81245

Dept. De La The. Saone. (1845)

By: V. Levasseur - Smith


Dept. Du Pas De Calais.

Item #: 81246

Dept. Du Pas De Calais. (1845)

By: unknown - unknown


Dept. Des Vosges.

Item #: 81247

Dept. Des Vosges. (1845)

By: V. Levasseur - Leclevecq


Dept. Du Jura

Item #: 81248

Dept. Du Jura (1845)

By: Leclere - V. Levasseur


Dept. Du Cher

Item #: 81249

Dept. Du Cher (1845)

By: A. Piat - Levasscur


Dept. De La Manche

Item #: 81250

Dept. De La Manche (1845)

By: Rainaud - Beaurain


Dept. De La Meuse

Item #: 81251

Dept. De La Meuse (1845)

By: Ch. Smith - V. Lavasscur


Carte De L

Item #: 81254

Carte De L'Algerie Comprenaut le Tell et le Sahara Algerien (1855)

A wonderful steel engraved map hand-colored in outline showing boundries, rivers, cities, towns, rivers, mountain ranges, etc. ...


Map of South America

Item #: 81284

Map of South America (1850)


Map of Peru and Bolivia

Item #: 81285

Map of Chili La Plata and Uruguay

Item #: 81286

U.S. Coastal Survey Sketch J No. 9. Showing the progress of the Survey in the Bay of San Francisco California

Item #: 81287

U.S. Coastal Survey Sketch J No. 9. Showing the progress of the Survey in the Bay of San Francisco California (1851)

Page extracted from U.S. Coast Survey published in 1851 by the United States Government. Shows navigational landmarks and...


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